• Tue, Apr 30, 2024
  • Key Takeaways: Understanding a Business Value Before Signing with a Business Broker
  • Eric_j_gall
  • Eric Gall published in CEO Weekly on April 25, 2024
    Article: Understanding a Business Value Before Signing with a Broker

    Key Takeaways from the Article

    A thorough analysis of value before signing a listing agreement with a business broker is crucial. This ensures proper pricing and terms, fairness, and informed decision-making throughout the entire sales process.

    Six benefits a thorough analysis of value provides:

    • Understand Fair Market Value
    • Set a Realistic Asking Price
    • Negotiate from Strength
    • Enhance Financial Planning
    • Shorten Due Diligence
    • Help with Bank Financing

    To learn more about selling a business, contact Eric J. Gall at [email protected] or 239-738-6227 for a confidential, complimentary discussion.