• Mon, Apr 26, 2021
  • Fort Myers is one of the Best Small Cities for a Small Business
  • City_of_palms
  • Fort Myers, FL is best small U.S. city east of the Mississippi River for starting a small business.
    1. St. George, Utah
    2. Cedar City, Utah
    3. Williston, N.D.
    4. Washington, Utah
    5. Logan, Utah
    6. Aberdeen, S.D.
    7. Midvale, Utah
    8. Fort Myers, Fla.
    9. Clearfield, Utah
    10. Bozeman, Mont.
    The full article by Jason Knott is available here

    If you would like to learn more about Fort Myers and Southwest Florida opportunities, please contact me.

    Steve Niehaus, MBA, CBI, CM&AP
    [email protected]