• Wed, Feb 01, 2023
  • 6 Steps to Valuing Your Business During a Recession
  • Pexels-anna-shvets-3727511
  • Click here for a link to the full article by Young Entrepreneur Council and Andrea Bousaid, published in Inc. on January 19, 2023.

    Valuing a business during a recession can be a complex and challenging task, as economic uncertainty can impact a company's performance and financial stability. However, it is just as important to accurately value your business during a downturn in order to make informed decisions about its future, such as negotiating a sale or seeking financing. Here are some steps to consider when valuing your business during a recession:

    1. Review your financial statements
    2. Consider market conditions
    3. Determine the value of your assets
    4. Consider intangible assets
    5. Hire representation
    6. Identify the right approach

    In summary, valuing a business during a recession can be complex, but it is important to accurately assess its value in order to make informed decisions about its future.

    Reach out if I can be of assistance.
    Steve Niehaus, MBA, CM&AP, CBI, M&AMI
    [email protected]