• Tue, Jun 09, 2020
  • How to Prepare to Exit Your Business During the Pandemic
  • Article by Patrick Galleher, published in Forbes on June 2, 2020.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has upset plans for businesses across the country. Everything from planned trips to conferences and even day-to-day operations has been upended as we all adapt to what people are calling the new normal.

    One major point of concern is likely how the coronavirus may impact your plans for retirement or your exit strategy for your business. Or a sudden job shift may have you eyeing the next phase of your career. Maybe you’ve received an unexpected offer to sell your business that you can’t refuse. Regardless of why you’re eyeing a way out, it’s important you’re prepared to handle this major life transition.

    Here are some things that need to be done to gracefully and successfully exit your business:

    • Make sure your business plan includes an exit plan 
    • Understand how you want to make your exit 
    • Know yourself and your worth 
    • How to pain an accurate company picture during the pandemic
    • Track everything and be prepared for anything

    For the full article, click here.

    Steve Niehaus, MBA, CBI
    [email protected]